Upcoming litter November 2020

Breeding Pair – Freyja and Choco In November of 2020 we plan to breed Freyja with Busta Rhymes Let’s Go Party Bulterier (aka Choco).  Here is a link to the combined pedigree http://ingrus.net/bull/testmating/28480/39980 Choco had an amazing year in 2019,. In addition to many European wins, he was also the top UK Bull Terrier. He has strong Bull Terrier type and movement. He also has the links back to Teirwgwyn lines that I was looking for. Busta Ad At the 2019 National Terrier Show in the UK  Choco took first with these amazing comments from Judge Bill Browne-Cole:
1st BUSTA RHYMES LET’S GO PARTY BULTERIER (ATCAV02203POL) (MR B STRUGAREK)  Top quality 2 year old, excellent forehand, loved his long egg shaped head, correct depth, dark expressive eye, well placed and used ears, great body shape, full of substance, couldn’t stand wrong and what a mover. DCC BOB